What a Month!

Posted June 24, 2012 by Christine in review / 2 Comments /


Nothing illustrates, more appropriately, than this picture what this month of blogging has been like for me. Blogging is one of my most favorite things to do. It relaxes me, it keeps me sane. But, this month my kids have been a little more difficult. Between a five-year-old who just started flag football (that will now take up three nights a week), two two-year-olds who are very needy, and an even NEEDIER nine-month-old (that is now crawling all over the place), life seems to be speeding by.

I’m just letting you all know that I’m still here, even if I’ve missed a few weekly posts and haven’t been reading NEARLY as much!

The other thing I wanted to address is that I seem to have made an extremely common (according to more experienced bloggers) rookie mistake by committing to too many reviews at one time.

Right now, there are an EXTREME amount of books that I need to review. And, sadly, some that I didn’t review as soon as I promised. BUT, if you are an author and I promised to review your book, know that I WILL. I have my list of books (in the order they were received) and I will, undoubtedly, get to each and every one of them. You’ll notice that I’m STILL not taking any more requests–and haven’t since a couple of months ago. I haven’t even read a book of MY choice in over a month. I keep winning them. I keep looking through my Kindle library seeing them there. But, I haven’t touched one. And I PROMISE I won’t until I’ve fulfilled my commitment.

So, here’s to a better July. And I’m going to go read now. 🙂

2 responses to “What a Month!

  1. I can totally understand where you're coming from. I was just elevated to being the "oldest" one at home, with 7 other siblings underneath me after my older brother went to Law school and my older sister got married this year. It's been crazy trying to get used to things, and my blog and reading have suffered.

    Here's to (hopefully) sane-er months ahead! 😉

  2. I can totally understand where you're coming from. I was just elevated to being the "oldest" one at home, with 7 other siblings underneath me after my older brother went to Law school and my older sister got married this year. It's been crazy trying to get used to things, and my blog and reading have suffered.

    Here's to (hopefully) sane-er months ahead! 😉