Slow Dance | ARC Review

Posted July 11, 2024 by Christine in 4/5, review / 1 Comment /


Slow Dance | ARC Review
Slow Dance Published by William Morrow by Rainbow Rowell
on July 30, 2024
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance, Second-Chance Romance, Chick-Lit
Pages: 400
Source: Netgalley
Format: ARC, eBook
Find the Author: Website, Twitter, Goodreads
Find the Book: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads

ISBN: 0063380196
Rating:4 Stars

Back in high school, everybody thought Shiloh and Cary would end up together . . . everybody but Shiloh and Cary.
They were just friends. Best friends. Allies. They spent entire summers sitting on Shiloh’s porch steps, dreaming about the future. They were both going to get out of north Omaha—Shiloh would go to college and become an actress, and Cary would join the Navy. They promised each other that their friendship would never change.
Well, Shiloh did go to college, and Cary did join the Navy. And yet, somehow, everything changed.
Now Shiloh’s thirty-three, and it’s been fourteen years since she talked to Cary. She’s been married and divorced. She has two kids. And she’s back living in the same house she grew up in. Her life is nothing like she planned.
When she’s invited to an old friend’s wedding, all Shiloh can think about is whether Cary will be there—and whether she hopes he will be. Would Cary even want to talk to her? After everything?
The answer is yes. And yes. And yes.
Slow Dance is the story of two kids who fell in love before they knew enough about love to recognize it. Two friends who lost everything. Two adults who just feel lost.
It’s the story of Shiloh and Cary, who everyone thought would end up together, trying to find their way back to the start.

Rainbow Rowell is so great at writing super-realistic characters. Her characters are flawed but in the absolute best way.

In this story, Shiloh, Cary and Mikey are best friends in high school. They’re quirky, complex, and maybe slightly codependent on each other; well, that’s more the case for Shiloh and Cary.

These two are so close, yet… they aren’t together. And there’s no clear indication as of why other than they don’t want to ruin their close friendship.

Slow Dance is exactly as its name suggests; a slow dance between Shiloh and Cary. This story spans over a decade as they navigate college, the military, marriages, children, and finally coming back to each other.

Shiloh is probably one of my favorite characters to read because she is written with little odd intricacies that bring the character to life. I really loved reading about these characters and their journey back to each other. It was unique and refreshing.

Slow Dance comes out July 30th.



About Rainbow Rowell

Rainbow Rowell writes all kinds of stuff.

Sometimes she writes about adults (ATTACHMENTS, LANDLINE).

Sometimes she writes about teenagers (ELEANOR & PARK, FANGIRL) .

Sometimes — actually, a lot of the time — she writes about lovesick vampires and guys with dragon wings. (THE SIMON SNOW TRILOGY).

Recently, she’s been writing comics, including her first graphic novel, PUMPKINHEADS, and the monthly SHE-HULK comic for Marvel.

She lives in Omaha, Nebraska.

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