Title: Pan’s Revenge (Adventures in Neverland #2)
Author: Anna Katmore
Publication Date: July 5, 2014
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It’s been weeks since Angelina has left Neverland. James Hook is desperate to follow her off the island and find her in this notorious town called London, when he makes a grave mistake.
The consequences alter the life of his once-arch-enemy, Peter Pan, in a way no one could have foreseen. The boy who wouldn’t grow up swears revenge, and what better way than by stealing Hook’s love?
Through a shower of falling stars, a loop around the moon, and then a hard left at the Clock Tower…
When James Hook finally arrives in London, he has to fight with a vengeance for his love and in the battle face a boy who grew up after all.Close your eyes and fall in love with the beautiful sequel to NEVERLAND.
Love stories are my specialty. I like them sweet, funny, fast and unforgettable!
So if you’re a teenager in love or grown up already and just want to feel like seventeen again, come sneak a peek into my books.
http://www.amazon.com/Anna-Katmore/e/…They come with a guarantee for butterflies in your stomach. 😉
If you want to find out more about the characters that currently every girl between 15 and 65 speaks about, hear about my writing progress, check out my latest releases, or just hang out, you can find me on
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Okay, so I really enjoyed Neverland. It was one of my favorite retellings, to date. And due to the fact that I couldn’t wait to see more of Angel and James together, I figured this one would be even better. But, I was really not as impressed.
The story was good. It gave me the ending I had hoped for, plus some! But, I just wasn’t as excited about the journey to get there.
I do recommend you read this, if you’ve read Neverland. You’ll want to know what becomes of Peter, James, and Angel. Not to mention have some questions answered from the previous book.