Well, it’s time for the second annual Once Upon a Read-a-Thon!
This Read-a-Thon is hosted by Angela at Reading Angel, Candace at Candace’s Book Blog, and Lori at Pure Imagination.
The Read-a-Thon’s purpose is, for those of us signed up, to commit to reading more books in the next three days, than we normally do. So, seeing as how I usually read a book every three days, I’m commiting myself to reading TWO books in this three-day period.
I know, I know…TWO?! That’s not very many. Buuuut, when you have a hard time finishing two books in a WEEK, normally, then, I guess it’s a start!
So, here are the two FABULOUS books that I’m going to read by the end of Wednesday…
So, here I go! Wish me luck!
I’ll be updating my reading status on Twitter throughout the Read-a-Thon, if you’re curious.