No Match for Love | ARC Review

Posted September 4, 2024 by Christine in 4/5, review / 0 Comments /


No Match for Love | ARC Review
No Match for Love Published by Covenant Communications by Karen Thornell
Series: Regency Love Stories
on September 2, 2024
Genres: Romance, Clean, Historical
Pages: 351
Source: Publisher
Format: ARC, eBook
Find the Author: Website, Goodreads
Find the Book: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads

ISBN: 1524426512
Rating:4 Stars

Lucas Berkeley has a secret—one he cannot risk anyone discovering. After all, a future marquess belongs in drawing rooms, not underground boxing circles. Yet with a painful past and a need to control every aspect of his life, it is his only outlet. And when his brother begins to court the one woman who could ruin everything, Lucas needs the secret diversion more than ever.

Lydia Faraday is exhausted from living a life in which she has no say. When her taciturn guardian drags her to London intent on marrying her off, she determines to thwart his plans. If she is to have freedom in any aspect of her existence, it ought to be with whom she marries. And when a solicitor turns up with new information, she thinks that just might be possible. Or it may complicate her future further.

When Lucas and Lydia become entangled in a dangerous scheme, they cannot help but become closer, even as the obstacles between them grow. The last thing either is looking for is love. But their hearts have different plans.

This story was so refreshingly sweet! Sometimes I find myself in the mood for a clean, innocent romance–and this was the perfect choice for that!

The draw that the main characters felt for each other was just perfection. But it didn’t feel contrived and it wasn’t stilted. Their relationship just took a natural progression, much to Lucas’ denial of wanting love.

I feel like these two brought out the best in each other–rather than some romances where the couple doesn’t seem to complement each other very well. Lucas and Lydia were perfectly matched.

I really loved the fact that we got to know Lydia’s roots, also. I felt like she deserved to know where she came from after being left to a guardian who didn’t have much of a relationship with her.

And what an ending! Such a beautiful story!



About Karen Thornell

Karen Thornell grew up reading when she should have been sleeping, but it wasn't until 2019 that she started writing. Tired of ending books and saying 'goodbye' to beloved characters, she wondered what it would be like to have her own characters that lived in her head always. It was probably a mark of sleep deprivation that she wanted people living in her head, but the idea was planted regardless.

Karen lives in Utah with her husband and kids. When not writing contemporary or regency romance, she spends her free time doing endless loads of laundry, playing board games, and, yes, talking to those characters in her head.

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