Welcome to my October 2021 Monthly Wrap-Up! This is where you can see a little bit of what went on this month here, at Captivated Reading!
This month has been pretty low-key. Unfortunately, we’ve had some sickness go around our household so we weren’t able to go out and about and explore like we had wanted to.
But, that’s okay… I was able to get a lot of reading done!
We’ve also just slowly-but-surely been getting our house organized. There are many things that need to be fixed/worked on in this old home–but, we’re getting there!

No Player Required Blog Tour
Looks like you had an amazing reading month! Hope November will be the same for you.
Stephanie @ Bookfever recently posted…Monthly Wrap-Up: October 2021
What a great month you have had in October and some great books you were able to pick up.
Lover of Romance recently posted…Sunday Post (45) Happy Halloween
Sorry you weren’t able to get out as much as you wanted in October. Hopefully November weather will be mild and you can get out some more when you’re over the illnesses. You did get a lot of good books read it looks like. Have a great November!
Lisa Loves Literature
You had such an excellent reading month, that’s awesome! I hope everyone feels better soon though!
Missy recently posted…Audiobook Review: ‘The Witch Haven’