Love Letters and Thirst Tonics | Review

Posted July 3, 2024 by Christine in review / 2 Comments /


Love Letters and Thirst Tonics | Review
Love Letters and Thirst Tonics Published by Blackwood Books by Hailey Blackwood
Series: Moonvale Matches #1
on May 31, 2024
Genres: Cozy Mystery, Fantasy, Magic, Romance, Vampires
Pages: 272
Source: Publisher, Author
Format: ARC, eBook
Find the Book: Amazon | Goodreads

Two vampires, a magical town, and a spoonful of spice...
Love sucks. Literally.
For Fiella, life in the magical village of Moonvale used to be peaceful. Her world is turned upside down when a magical attack destroys her trinket shop and everything she has worked for. She is devastated, but finds solace in her new friendship with an anonymous penpal, whose letters ease her troubled mind.
Redd has fled his home in Sunhaven as a last-ditch effort to get a fresh start and escape the bad luck that had been plaguing him. He finds himself in Moonvale, where all the annoyingly friendly local folk seem to need his help. His outlook changes when he lays eyes on a lovely fellow vampire, whose blue hair and fiery temperament ensnare his thoughts.
Limits are tested and bonds are forged when Fiella is forced to accept Redd’s help to rebuild her shop. With the help of friends, magical potions, the local cats, and a few goblets of cider, Fiella and Redd team up to restore what was lost. As the two vampires battle their thirst together through late nights and endless bickering, they might even learn to appreciate each other.
Love Letters and Thirst Tonics is the first book in a series of interconnected standalone fantasy romance novels that take place in a cozy, small town where folk of all species reside. Grab a warm cup of tea and dive into this world of magic, mayhem, critters, and lots and lots of lavender blueberry cider.

This adorable story is everything the author promises: cozy, sweet, and romantic.

With the two vampire main characters, I knew I had to pick this one up. I’m a sucker for vampire fictions–it doesn’t matter what kind. And this one checked all the boxes.

I especially loved the small-town charm that Moonvale provided. Full of quirky residents of all types, I can only imagine all the stories this author will be able to grace of with.

Loved this one. It was short, sweet, and adorable.



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