His to Love | ARC Review

Posted July 13, 2024 by Christine in 4/5, review / 1 Comment /


His to Love | ARC Reviewon August 1, 2024
Genres: Adult, Adventure, Fantasy, Romance
Pages: 254
Source: Netgalley
Format: ARC, eBook
Find the Book: Amazon | Goodreads

Rating:4 Stars

Emily Underwood has spent her life avoiding suitors while seeking adventure between the pages of books. But when a lightning storm sends her into her favourite book, can she find a way to survive this exciting new world and the dangerous pirate within it?
Flynn Sawyer, one of the most well-known pirates within his world, spent his entire life plotting to kill the King. And when a mysterious woman who claims to be from nowhere shows up, it takes everything in him to not let himself become distracted by her. But, will he truly be able to let her go after he gets his revenge?

As someone who loves romance… And loves pirates, this book checked SO. MANY. BOXES.

At first, I found the story just a tad bit slow. But it quickly picked up for me as Emily and Flynn got to know each other and came to terms with their mutual attraction.

There were surprises and twists that were cleverly done. And the friendships and side characters were also a great addition.

I loved the adventure and romance so much. And the ending was perfect!

His to Love releases August 1st.



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