Waterfall: Favorite Friday

Posted February 24, 2012 by Christine in 5/5, Favorite Friday, review / 2 Comments /


Waterfall: Favorite Friday
Waterfall Published by David C. Cook Also in this series: Bourne
by Lisa Tawn Bergren
Series: River of Time #1
on February 1, 2011
Genres: Fiction, YA, Romance, Science Fiction, Time Travel, Historical, Christian
Pages: 369
Source: Purchased
Format: eBook
Find the Author: Website, Twitter, Facebook, Goodreads, Instagram
Also by this author: Bourne , Keturah
Find the Book: Amazon | Goodreads

ISBN: 1434764338
Rating:5 Stars

What do you do when your knight in shining armor lives, literally, in a different world?
Most American teenagers want a vacation in Italy, but the Betarrini sisters have spent every summer of their lives among the romantic hills with their archaelogist parents. Stuck among the rubble of the medieval castles in rural Tuscany, on yet another hot, dusty archaeological site, Gabi and Lia are bored out of their minds...until Gabi places her hand atop a handprint in an ancient tomb and finds herself in fourteenth-century Italy. And worse yet, in the middle of a fierce battle between knights of two opposing forces.
Suddenly Gabi's summer in Italy is much, much more interesting.

I’m pretty sure the only reason I first downloaded this book onto my Kindle a while back is because it was ridiculously cheap, perhaps even free. I’d never even heard of this series. But, I’m pretty sure it was Divine intervention that lead me to this book, because I fell in LOVE!!!

I fell in love with the main characters (Gabi and Lia), I fell in love with Marcello and Luca(swoon!), I even fell in love with the “side” characters that may not always be front-burning. I fell in love with Italy, (Oh, did I fall in love with Italy!), and I totally fell in love with Lisa T. Bergren’s writing.

The story starts out strong for me when we meet, teenage sisters, Gabriella & Evangelia Betarrini. They’ve recently lost their father and are now with their mother, who while a little distant, due to being broken over her husband’s death, really loves her girls.

The sisters invetibly get into some mischief, which ultimately takes them to 14th-century Italy where they are separated and immediately thrown into danger and romance. There’s war, intrigue, and we’re thrown into the harsh reality of what life was like in this time. But, Ms. Bergren softens all of this up with a romance that totally left me breathless and wanting more. Both sisters must face hard choices and make sacrifices. In just this first installment, alone, I can see the growth of both sisters, as they take their inner fierceness, and wield it into a toughness that is essential to their survival.

There are no slow moments in this book. It was one of those reads where I had to MAKE myself put it down…At three in the morning. After finishing just one. More. Chapter.

I more than recommend this book. I tell you right now, go out and BUY this book. Tell your friends. Your sisters. Your aunts. EVERYBODY! And I promise you, you’ll want to buy the next two, immediately.


Next week, check back here for my Favorite Friday review of Cascade (Book 2 of the River of Time series) by Lisa T. Bergren.





About Lisa Tawn Bergren

Lisa Tawn Bergren is the best-selling, award-winning author of over 50 books, with more than 3 million copies sold. She is in the middle of writing The Sugar Baron's Daughters Series (KETURAH, VERITY and SELAH), and recently finished a teen series called Remnants (SEASON OF WONDER, SEASON OF FIRE, and SEASON OF GLORY). She's also written the River of Time Series (WATERFALL, CASCADE, TORRENT, BOURNE & TRIBUTARY, DELUGE) and The Grand Tour Series (GLAMOROUS ILLUSIONS, GRAVE CONSEQUENCES, GLITTERING PROMISES). She recent released a new time-slip romance duology called River of Time: California (THREE WISHES and FOUR WINDS).

Lisa’s time is split between managing home base, writing, consulting and helping Tim with his business. Her husband Tim is a sculptor of ducks-out-of-fenceposts (RMRustic.com), graphic designer and musician. They have three big kids–Olivia (who just got married), Emma (who just got back from Europe) and Jack (who is about to start high school).

The Bergrens make their home in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

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