Destined for an Early Grave Published by Avon Also in this series: The Other Half of the Grave , Halfway to the Grave , One Foot in the Grave, At Grave's End , One for the Money , This Side of the Grave , One Grave at a Time
by Jeaniene Frost
Series: Night Huntress #4
on July 28, 2009
Genres: Adult, Fantasy, Ghosts, Paranormal, Vampires, Romance, Urban Fantasy
Pages: 355
Source: Purchased
Format: eBook
Find the Author: Website, Twitter, Goodreads
Also by this author: The Other Half of the Grave , Halfway to the Grave , One Foot in the Grave, At Grave's End , One for the Money , This Side of the Grave , One Grave at a Time
Find the Book: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads
ISBN: 0061583219
Flame Rating:
Her dreams leave her in grave danger…
Since half-vampire Cat Crawfield and her undead lover Bones met six years ago, they’ve fought against the rogue undead, battled a vengeful Master vampire, and pledged their devotion with a blood bond. Now it’s time for a vacation. But their hopes for a perfect Paris holiday are dashed when Cat awakes one night in terror. She’s having visions of a vampire named Gregor who’s more powerful than Bones and has ties to her past that even Cat herself didn’t know about.
Gregor believes Cat is his and he won’t stop until he has her. As the battle begins between the vamp who haunts her nightmares and the one who has her heart, only Cat can break Gregor’s hold over her. She’ll need all the power she can summon in order to bring down the baddest bloodsucker she’s ever faced … even if getting that power will result in an early grave.

This is really one of my favorites in the Night Huntress series. And I think it’s because I’m a masochist who enjoys pain.
Cat and Bones can just never catch a break. They spend most of their time fighting for their lives and then it just starts all over again.
In this one, Cat starts having weird dreams while they’re out together–trying to have a moment of peace. Well, that gets interrupted quickly.
Cat starts dreaming of Gregor–a vampire who swears that he is Cat’s vampire husband and not Bones.
Now, you may be like me the first time I read it and think, “Like hell.” BUT, there’s more to this lame-ass Gregor, than what you think at first… And, unfortunately, Mencheres (hot bastard that he is) knows more than he lets on, as well.
“‘Then you remember the dream,’ Mencheres stated. ‘That bodes ill.’
The fear of that made my reply snappy. ‘Hey, Walks Like An Egyptian, how about for once you drop the formal stuff and talk like you live in the twenty-first century?’
‘The shit’s gonna splatter, start buggin’, yo,’ Mencheres responded instantly.”
So, Cat is freaking out and can’t sleep, Bones is freaking out because the one person that he loves he may lose–and our two lovebirds are fighting like mad. Out of fear and desperation.
And here’s why I love this one. Because even though Cat and Bones spend most of the book at odds and terrified, to me it just shows how much they love each other. How desperate they are for each other. And how the thought of not having each other would kill both of them.
Also, there’s Vlad. I really can’t get enough Vlad.
“‘I feel a connection to you, as I once told you. It’s not love, it’s not attraction, and I won’t sacrifice myself for you, but if you needed me, and it was possible for me to help you, like today, I’d come. Whichever side you called me from.'”
And what would Cat and Bones book be with misunderstandings between the two of them? Well, let me tell you–there are some HUGE misunderstandings in this one. And if this were the last in the series–I would’ve been genuinely concerned.
This book broke me heart and sewed all up back together again. These two are just the BEST.
“The shit’s gonna splatter, start buggin’, yo,” is still one of my favorite quotes of the series 🤣
Stephanie @ Bookfever recently posted…Book Blitz: Demon Throne by Debbie Cassidy
SAME! Every time I read it–I’m like, THIS is why I love Mencheres—THIS is why I love this series.
Isn’t Mencheres so stubborn???!!! haha But yes I remember this one being frustrating at times seeing what Cat and Bones have to go through in this one here. But I am so happy that you are enjoying this world.
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Ohhh, he is! 😂
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