Can’t Wait Wednesday: Ink, Iron, and Glass by Gwendolyn Clare

Posted December 20, 2017 by Christine in review / 14 Comments /


Can’t-Wait Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted here to spotlight and talk about the books we’re excited about that we have yet to read. Generally they’re books that have yet to be released as well. It’s based on Waiting on Wednesday, hosted by the fabulous Jill at Breaking the Spine. Find out more here.

This book has the historical romance and some fantasy… What more could you ask for?

Title: Ink, Iron, and Glass (Ink, Iron, and Glass #1)
Author: Gwendolyn Clare
Publication Date: Feb. 20, 2018

Can she write a world gone wrong?

A certain pen, a certain book, and a certain person can craft entirely new worlds through a branch of science called scriptology. Elsa comes from one such world that was written into creation by her mother—a noted scriptologist.

But when her home is attacked and her mother abducted, Elsa must cross into the real world and use her own scriptology gifts to find her. In an alternative 19th-century Italy, Elsa finds a secret society of pazzerellones—young people with a gift for mechanics, alchemy or scriptology—and meets Leo, a gorgeous mechanist with a smart mouth and a tragic past. She recruits the help of these fellow geniuses just as an assassin arrives on their doorstep.

In this thrilling debut, worlds collide as Elsa unveils a deep political conspiracy seeking to unlock the most dangerous weapon ever created—and only she can stop it.

Amazon | Goodreads | Author Page

14 responses to “Can’t Wait Wednesday: Ink, Iron, and Glass by Gwendolyn Clare

  1. Oh my, this is new to me! And what a lovely cover, and lovelier blurb — sounds like some brilliant worldbuilding and I love LOVE the political intrigue!

  2. This sounds really intriguing. Secret societies, political conspiracy, assassins, and magical worlds one creates and can cross over into? Definitely intriguing. I am a fan of reading debuts too. I hope this one is as good as the description and the cover.

  3. I love the idea of Scriptology and I'll be honest, this would probably be a strictly cover grab anyway. Thanks for sharing it!

  4. What a fabulous cover! I love the blue and white combination and the summary sounds very intriguing. Guess that goes straight to my wishlist *smile* Thanks for sharing.
    My pick

    Best wishes
    Vi @Inkvotary