Title: Through Angel’s Eyes
Author: Steve Theunissen
Genre: Young Adult/Historical Fiction
Pub. Date: May 28, 2012
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‘Through Angel’s Eyes’ is the first person account of a 13 year old Black girl as she experiences the pivotal events of the 1963 civl rights movement in Birmingham, Alabama. The book is a Young Adult historical fiction that infuses the timeless wisdom of Martin Luther King into an intriguing narrative that takes readers on a roller coaster of emotion while they learn about a time when a group of courageous young people quietly said ‘Enough!” and stood up for what they believed in.
~From the Author~
Why I chose the Civil Rights Movement as a backdrop for my novel?
My interest in the mistreatment of America’s Black population was sparked way back when, as a school boy, I read to Kill A Mockingbird. Shortly after that I watched the mini series Roots and my interest became an obsession. I pored over the history of American race relations, reading everything I could find. I soon began learning about the Birmingham Civil Rights campaign. The story of the child marchers touched me deeply and I immediately recognized that the courage and conviction of the young marchers established them as awesome role models for young people today. Yet it was a story that few people were aware of. I decided then to tell that story in the form of a historical novel. I chose this form because it would enable me to tell the story in a way that would engage and entertain young readers while championing a message would, hopefully, inspire and educate them.
~About the Author~
As a middle school teacher, I have had the pleasure of sharing the love of literacy with hundreds of 11 to 13 year olds, many of whom had never read a book in their lives. I have derived much pleasure from seeing the awakening of the reading and writing bug in these kids and it’s flow on effects into the areas of self esteem and positive attitude. Over that period, I have written a young adult novel which, I believe, presents a powerful role model for today’s youth – one who isn’t a wizard, a vampire – no not even a kid killer. She’s a 13 year old Afro-American and 50 years ago she took on the might of a system that told her she wasn’t good enough. She tells her story in my novel Through Angels Eyes.

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