Blog Tour: Beguiled by RaShelle Workman

Posted November 21, 2012 by Christine in review / 4 Comments /


Title: Beguiled (Immortal Essence #2)
Author: RaShelle Workman
Pub. Date: Oct. 19, 2012
Find “Beguiled”:

Venus has become immortal, just as she always wanted. In the process she hurt Zaren, lost Michael, and destroyed her family.

At least that’s what she believed.

Turns out Ramien, the god of her planets’ underworld, has her parents, and Michael.

To save them, Venus makes a deal. She must complete three trials. They seem impossible. They certainly won’t be easy. Worst of all, someone she loves won’t make it out alive.

~My Review~

You know how some books start out slow and you feel like you have to just KEEP pushing to get through to the good stuff? Yeah?

Well, Beguiled is NOT that kind of book. At all. I had to brush up on Exiled since it’d been a while since I’d read it. So, I did. I remembered how great it was, and then jumped right into Beguiled. I was so pleased that Ms. Workman put me right back into Venus’ world where I got to fall right back in love with Venus, Michael, and Zaren.

If you enjoyed Exiled then there’s no possible way you won’t love this installment to the Immortal Essence series.

Because of the quick jump-in to the story, I feel like there was no time wasted with the new challenges that Venus had to face. I grew to love her character even more! And Michael!!! Oh, heavens!!! Michael, is amazing. That’s all I can say about that.

I was completely taken aback by the villain in this story because he was evil and hateful and he added so much to the story! Great job, Ms. Workman!

I am most certainly looking forward to the next installment in this series. I canNOT wait!

~My Rating~

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