My To-Be-Read List, is a monthly meme, started by Michelle @ Because Reading.
Each month, I’ll post three books that you, my readers, will choose from. At the end of the first week, I’ll start reading the book that was chosen in the poll. My review will go up at the end of the month–or the next (depending on how long it takes to finish).
This meme is going to be a huge help in getting through my To-Be-Read list, that has grown SO huge!
Well, I’m thinking getting this done every other month is now my new goal–so here it is, y’all! Let me know which I should read!
This Month’s Choices:

What an interesting group of books, I had to choose what looks like Historical Fiction because the cover *LOVE IT*
Lover of Romance recently posted…March 2022: Monthly Recap
Girl from nowhere looks very interesting but all three look great
Yes! 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!
I might have picked Girl From Nowhere because the cover is my favorite. Is that bad? 😂 They all look really good though- and different! I hope you end up enjoying whichever wins!
Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight recently posted…April 2022 Discussion Challenge Link Up & Giveaway
Oh my goodness-I pick books for their covers All. The. Time. 😂 Thanks, Shannon!
I had to judge entirely by the covers on these. I hope you enjoy whichever wins!
I understand completely! I usually first judge a book by its cover! 😆 Thanks for voting!
I really want to read Miss Graham’s Cold War Cookbook myself, although The Second Chance Hotel sounds good too . . . So does Girl From Nowhere. They all sound good. I hope you enjoy whichever wins, Christine!
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