A Surprise Proposal in the Rose Garden | Blog Tour

Posted June 6, 2024 by Christine in 4.5/5, Blog Tour, review / 0 Comments /


A Surprise Proposal in the Rose Garden | Blog Tour
A Surprise Proposal in the Rose Garden Published by Leannan Press Also in this series: Starting Over at the Crafty Bee Barn
by Margaret Amatt
Series: The Glenbriar Series #8
Genres: Romance, Women's Fiction, Chick-Lit
Pages: 319
Source: Publisher
Format: ARC, eBook
Find the Author: Website, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram
Also by this author: Starting Over at the Crafty Bee Barn
Find the Book: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads

ISBN: 1914575563
Rating:4.5 Stars

If the ring fits...

When social-media influencer Genevieve Harrington wakes up with the hangover from hell and a ring on her finger, she’s in trouble.
Already reeling from a failed engagement, Finlay McBride is caught in a nightmare. Agreeing to accompany his ex’s best friend to a party was meant to be a one-day-only act of kindness. Drunkenly proposing was not an option… And yet it’s there on the internet for the entire world to see.
Genevieve needs to limit the damage. Being with her friend’s ex breaks so many rules and her social media followers are quick to remind her of the fact. But she’s always had a secret crush on Finlay and now she has a chance to make things real.
Finlay soon discovers Genevieve is not the serenely indifferent woman he took her for. More and more, she opens her heart to him, and he starts to fall for her. But he’s leaving Scotland for a job in Dubai at the end of the month and he doesn’t want yet another failed engagement this year.
Together, they must decide if this is merely a moment of summer bliss or a love worth fighting for.

This book was so adorable! Margaret Amatt is quickly becoming a go-to author for me! Her books that I’ve read so far, have been sweet, funny, and highly entertaining.

This book is 8th in a series of books that take place in the village of Glenbriar–an adorable place located in the Scottish highlands. Seeing as how I absolutely love reading books that take place in Scotland–somewhere I’d love to travel to someday–these books completely transport me to a place and embody that cozy read that I’m looking for.

And while this is a series, you absolutely don’t have to read them all–although, I think it’d make the stories richer to do so.

The chemistry between Finlay and Genevieve was just so on point. These two were quite simply just a perfect couple and their happy ending was so deserved!

If cozy Scottish novels are your thing, or sound like they could be, do yourself a favor and grab any book in this series!




About Margaret Amatt

Margaret is a bestselling Scottish author and chocolate lover who has been writing stories for over twenty years (possibly more if you count her primary school efforts). Her early works will never see the light of day and are locked in dusty vaults on some old floppy disks. But after all those years of practise, Margaret released her first novel in 2021. It was the first of a ten-book series set on the gorgeous Scottish Isle of Mull.

Margaret is also the author of the acclaimed Glenbriar Series, based in the fictional Scottish town of Glenbriar. This is an on-going series with more books coming in 2024.

The stories are unashamedly romantic but with lots of drama and an eclectic mix of characters. Each

book can be read as a standalone but followers of the series will enjoy catching up with the characters.