A Gracious Plenty Published by Crown by Sheri Reynolds
on September 8, 1997
Genres: Adult, American South, Contemporary, Fantasy, Ghosts, Literary Fiction, Magical Realism, Paranormal
Pages: 205
Source: Purchased
Format: Hardcover
Find the Author: Website, Goodreads
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ISBN: 0609803875
Badly burned in a household accident when she was a child, Finch Nobles grows into a courageous and feisty loner who eschews the pity of her hometown and discovers that she can hear the voices of the people buried in her father's cemetery. Finally, when she speaks to them, they answer, telling their stories in a remarkable chorus of regrets, explanations, and insights. A Gracious Plenty is like an extraordinary amalgam of Steinbeck and Faulkner, Spoon River Anthology and Our Town. It is a reading experience that you will not soon forget.
This was a book club read that we actually got at a used book sale. And I don’t think it was entirely what I was expecting–but I thoroughly enjoyed it.
For a short read–at around 200 pages–it was surprisingly fulfilling–for the most part.
The characters were diverse and incredibly real. I don’t think I’ve read a story where the characters and their flaws were so glaringly just out there. Yet, at the same time, that realness lent a beauty to the story that otherwise shallow characters, cannot.
My only real issue with this book was that the ending was just sort of– raw. Unfinished. I felt like I was taken on a journey with Finch and the rest–only to be left with so many unanswered questions.
Great review, Christine! It’s too bad you were left with unanswered questions. I know I hate that too when it happens in a book I’m reading.
Stephanie @ Bookfever recently posted…Monthly Wrap-Up: April 2022
What a lovely review you have here Christine. Its always the best when the characters feel so real.
Lover of Romance recently posted…Book Review-Broken Vow by Sophie Lark
Thank you so much!!